Hanging in the trees, bearded branches, lichen. A symbiosis of fungus and algae. Usnea. The lungs of the forest. Usnea does wonders for the immune system, and is perfect to take at first sign of a cold or flu. It’s perhaps most widely used for upper respiratory and throat infections, sinusitis and acute/ chronic lung infections, both as a preventative and in acute situations. It is especially effective against strep and staph infections. You can even use it topically to staunch a wound if something were to happen out in the bush. This is one that I take whenever I get the first signs of feeling run down..from a day in town… I get that prickly tickly, its Usnea calling.. The bright and tiny threads of Usnea lichen are an excellent antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-viral medicine. Usnea is by far my fave. You've heard me say this before. I love it’s taste, and it really feels like it’s working. It’s always my first choice medicine when I am feeling “a lil’ somethin’”. It's highly anti-mircobial, and I don’t think it’s in my head when I get whiffs of the bright, bouncy wet clumps of it, spread out over my counter, I think it smells a little like chlorine maybe? Like hints of going to the pool, as a kid? Anyone else notice this?
