Prunella dances in the Robinwood meadow with her dear medicinal sisters; Red Clover, Dandelion, Yarrow, Plantain, Oxeye Daisey. She holds space for Buttercup and Thistle, Vetch, and the Grasses who have their place here too. Her flowers are more like purple cones, popping up out of the meadow, and her usefulness begets her name. She is also known as Self-heal, a wildflower you may already know, but do you know of her medicinal qualities?
Externally, she can be used to sooth and heal wounds, like cuts, scrapes or burns. She helps to draw out infection when applied in a poultice or compress or made into a salve. Internally, it can be taken as tea or tincture. The tea is especially helpful for sore, dry, scratchy or irritated throats. Self Heal is also known to aid in the healing of ulcers in the mouth and throat. Its anti-viral properties make it a great ally for inhibiting and preventing HPV outbreaks. Overall, a wonderful supporter of the immune system, seasonal allergies, or chronic inflammation.
