Red clover, red clover, I call your medicine over.
One of the most abundant of the meadow flowers, the Robinwood meadow is alive with it’s beautiful purple-pink blooms all summer long. Red Clover, all over. Rich in calcium, iron, and phytoestrogens, Red Clover is a wonderful hormone balancing herb for women, especially during menopause.
These tender sweet blooms can also aid in detoxifying the liver and purifying the blood, helping with skin problems like boils or acne, eczema or psoriasis. They are also a useful respiratory tonic, helpful for coughs and asthma. And she is truly so tender and sweet. Red Clover isn’t bitter or strong in flavour, so can be added into your daily tea ritual, pairing well with any herbs. It will take time to notice the effects of this herb, so it’s good to find a way to take it that you enjoy… which shouldn’t be too hard… I have discovered for myself that making a strong batch of tea, and freezing into little cups or ice cubes so they can be conveniently added into my water bottle everyday is a great way to keep up with the daily teas during the summer months.
Walking around a meadow waist deep in wild grass, a big round basket perched on my hip, picking fluffy puffs of purple petals, while the birds sing, as the morning deepens, and the dew begins to lift, ... is medicine in so many ways.
