Oats. Can a medicine get any simpler, more nourishing and comforting than oats? Oats are delicate, strong and graceful… Avena sativa…even her name is pure love. And I did fall in love. So deeply, so softly in love with this little crop, mesmerized by her soothing, swaying, garden lullaby. It’s a medicine my body has been asking for, a gentle restorative tonic. To see me through the exhaustion of motherhood, life on a homestead of never ending work, frayed nerves, and a feeling of general depletion. This medicine is harvested in the short window after the oats have flowered and before they turn to seed. When you pinch the seed head, a little bit of milky white medicine squirts out, and there it is, in all the simple fullness. Milky Oats. The medicine from the Milky Oats is most effective when it is extracted as a tincture, and the taste is surprisingly subtle and smooth. It’s not harsh in anyway. But, with Oats how could it be? Simple nourishment is felt from the very first drop. Milky Oats is the ultimate herb for balancing the nerves in this crazy world in this crazy time. It’s the perfect medicine for adrenal exhaustion- The kind of magic potion that enhances our emotional resiliency and when life is stressed and frazzled, when there’s a million things to do and nothing is easy, this gentle herb soothes anxiety, takes the uncomfortable edge off, nourishes the spirit and the nervous system and restores us from within.
